Condolence cards

Kollektion Sternenkinder Trauer Trauerkarten Beileidskarten Kondolenzkarten

The loss of a loved one is incredibly sad, incomprehensible and highly emotional for the relatives. With a heartfelt condolence card you can express your sympathy and compassion in a difficult time and offer your help.


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19 products

Trauerkarte mit personalisiertem Name liegt auf hellgrauem KuvertAbnehmbare Banderole aus Transparentpapier
Trauerkarte mit Vögeln auf Ast vor grauem HintergrundBeileidskarte mit Trauerspruch und Aquarell Vögeln vor hellgrauem Kuvert
Trauerkarte mit Aquarell Motiv Maus und Banderole liegt auf creme farbenem KuvertBeileidskarte mit Banderole und Trauerspruch neben hellgelbem Kuvert
Beileidskarte "In liebevoller Erinnerung mit Bären Familien MotivTrauerkarte mit Aquarell Motiv Bären und Sternenhimmel liegt neben hellgrauem Kuvert
Trauerkarte für Sternenkinder und Erwachsene mit Aquarell MotivTrauerkarte mit Aquarell Motiv Bär liegt auf hellgrauem Kuvert
Sympathy card - Forever loved | Bear Sale priceFrom €3,00
Trauerkarte mit Bären Motiv und Banderole mit Spruch liegt auf hellgrauem KuvertBanderole mit Trauerspruch "Du bist nicht mehr da wo du warst, aber überall wo wir sind"
Trauerkarte mit Text "Unvergessen" und Motiv mit Fuchs und Hase liegt in grauem KuvertBeileidskarte für Sternenkinder mit Aquarell Motiv Fuchs und Hase und Sternehimmel
Personalisierte Trauerkarte mit Namen, Himmelsmotiv und BanderoleBeileidskarte Kinder und Erwachsene mit Aquarell Motiv Himmel und Sternenherz
Trauerkarte für SternenkinderKlappkarte mit Aquarell Hasen Motiv und Spruch "Leuchte hell kleiner Stern"
Trauerkarte mit Aquarell Motiv Fuchs und Hase und Trauerspruch liegt auf hellgrauem KuvertKarte mit Aquarell Motiv Fuchs und Hase vor dunkelblauem Himmels Hintergrund
Trauerkarte mit Himmelsmotiv und Banderole mit Spruch wird in Hand gehaltenTrauerkarte mit Trauerspruch "Fern bei den Sternen und doch so nah" liegt auf Kuvert
Personalisierte Trauerkarte mit Fuchs und Hase Motiv liegt auf hellgrauem KuvertBeileidskarte für Sternenkinder wird in Hand gehalten
Condolence card - Fox and rabbit Sale priceFrom €4,80
Personalisierte Trauerkarte für SternenkinderTrauergeschenk für Sternenkind Eltern
Personalisierte Trauerkarte für SternenkinderTrauergeschenk für Sternenkind Eltern
Personalisierte Trauerkarte mit Bären Motiv liegt neben hellgrauem UmschlagBeileidskarte mit Himmel und Bären Familie liegt auf hellgrauem Kuvert
Trauerkarte mit Vogel Motiv und Himmel, Banderole mit TrauerspruchBeileidskarte mit Aquarell Motiv Himmel und Vögel auf Ast
Trauerkarte mit Aquarell Vögeln und Name des Verstorbenen liegt auf grauem KuvertBeileidskarte mit abnehmbarer Banderole aus Transparentpapier
Personalisierbare Trauerkarte Sternenkinder und Erwachsene mit Aquarell HerzZitat "Dem Auge fern, dem Herzen ewig nah." auf Vorderseite
Sympathy card - Out of sight | Heart Sale priceFrom €3,00
Personalisierte Trauerkarte für SternenkinderTrauergeschenk für Sternenkind Eltern

Condolence cards

The loss of a loved one always brings immense grief, incomprehension and intense emotions for the relatives. Although there seem to be no words that can truly provide comfort, you can still express your sympathy and compassion and comfort the relatives with a sensitive condolence card. It is a beautiful, loving gesture to communicate and let the family of the deceased know that you are there for them. In such moments, mourning and condolence cards can be a valuable support.

Our range includes condolence cards for adults, star children and children. Many of the mourning cards can be personalized with the name of the deceased. With a loving, personalized card, you can express your sympathy much better than a standard card from the supermarket ever could.

Why are deceased children called star children?

The term "star child" is used when a child died before birth. This poetic term reflects the idea that these small children went back to heaven before they could see the light of day. In common parlance, people also speak of star children when children die at a very young age.

"While other children learn to walk, ours learns to fly with the angels."

Mourning stationery for star children

The worst thing that can happen to parents is the loss of a child or baby. For the parents affected, it is irrelevant whether the baby dies in the first weeks of pregnancy or after birth. They have to deal with the immeasurable pain of letting their beloved child go before they even had the chance to get to know it properly. The endless grief is hard to imagine and the funeral of a star child is particularly painful. In this difficult moment, it is important that the parents are surrounded by loved ones who give them support and are there for them.

At Funkenbunt, we therefore place particular emphasis on mourning stationery for star children, babies and children. Our sensitive, loving motifs provide comfort and express your sympathy and concern without many words.

Why are deceased children called star children?

The term "star child" is used when a child died before birth. This poetic term reflects the idea that these small children went back to heaven before they could see the light of day. In common parlance, people also speak of star children when children die at a very young age.

"While other children learn to walk, ours learns to fly with the angels."

Mourning stationery for star children

The worst thing that can happen to parents is the loss of a child or baby. For the parents affected, it is irrelevant whether the baby dies in the first weeks of pregnancy or after birth. They have to deal with the immeasurable pain of letting their beloved child go before they even had the chance to get to know it properly. The endless grief is hard to imagine and the funeral of a star child is particularly painful. In this difficult moment, it is important that the parents are surrounded by loved ones who give them support and are there for them.

At Funkenbunt, we therefore place particular emphasis on mourning stationery for star children, babies and children. Our sensitive, loving motifs provide comfort and express your sympathy and concern without many words.

Fast shipping

When it comes to funeral stationery, it is particularly important that the delivery reaches you as quickly as possible. We therefore recommend that you place your order promptly. We process all orders immediately so that they are dispatched the next working day at the latest. This naturally applies to our entire funeral range, including individually personalized funeral cards, memorial cards, funeral boxes, memorial posters and grave candles.

Card formats and envelopes

Our condolence cards are all designed as folding cards. The inside pages offer enough space for sensitive and personal words to the relatives.

To perfectly complement the cards, you can order matching envelopes at the same time. We deliberately chose light, subtle colors for the envelopes so as not to overshadow the cards and their message with dark colors.

Fast shipping

When it comes to funeral stationery, it is particularly important that the delivery reaches you as quickly as possible. We therefore recommend that you place your order promptly. We process all orders immediately so that they are dispatched the next working day at the latest. This naturally applies to our entire funeral range, including individually personalized funeral cards, memorial cards, funeral boxes, memorial posters and grave candles.

Card formats and envelopes

Our condolence cards are all designed as folding cards. The inside pages offer enough space for sensitive and personal words to the relatives.

To perfectly complement the cards, you can order matching envelopes at the same time. We deliberately chose light, subtle colors for the envelopes so as not to overshadow the cards and their message with dark colors.


Our sympathy cards are all printed on high-quality, FSC-certified cardboard. The surfaces are finely structured and give the cards a noble and high-quality feel. We produce our sympathy stationery locally, which enables us to personalize the cards extremely quickly and send them to you. Your order will leave our premises and be on its way to you by the next working day at the latest.

Personalisierte individuelle Trauerkarte mit Namen Beileidskarte Sternenhimmel Motiv für Sternenkinder und Erwachsene


Most of our funeral products can be personalized, and we even attach particular importance to this. This way you can express your condolences much better than with a run-of-the-mill funeral card from the supermarket around the corner.

Personalization is generally possible for condolence cards, memory cards, memory posters for star children, mourning boxes and grave candles. If you have special requests, please feel free to contact us. Whether it is a mourning saying in another language, replacing the banderoles on the cards or other requests, we will do our best to implement your wishes as quickly as possible.

The most frequently asked questions about dealing with grief and condolence cards

How do I write a condolence card?

Writing a sympathy card can be a challenging task as you try to find the right words to say in this sensitive situation. Here are some steps that can help you write a compassionate sympathy card.

Remember that there are no perfect words and that the most important thing is to be sincere and empathetic. Write from the heart and express your sincere condolences.

Start with a sensitive greeting

Start the card with an appropriate greeting, such as "Dear [family member's name]" or "Dear [last name] family."

Express your condolences

Express your deepest condolences to the bereaved. Use sensitive words such as "I would like to express my sincere condolences" or "My deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family during this difficult time."

Share beautiful memories

If you have personal memories of the deceased, share them in a sensitive way. Talk about the positive qualities and experiences you associated with them. This can help the loved ones find comfort in the memories.

Offer support

Show loved ones that you are there for them and ready to offer support. For example, you can write: "Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need someone to talk to or if I can be of assistance in any way."

Close with sensitive words

End the card with a final expression of condolence, such as "My thoughts and prayers are with you" or "I wish you strength in this difficult time."

Sign the card

Sign the card with your name to make it clear who the message is from.

Are there any particularly beautiful quotes and sayings for star children?

Yes, of course. We have put together our collection here for you. Let yourself be inspired.


You are no longer where you were, but you are everywhere we are.


Far away from the stars and yet so close.


Sometimes you are in our dreams, often in our thoughts and always in our hearts.


A little angel came, smiled and turned back.


I am the deep blue of the sky, the beautiful, fresh morning dew. Look for me and look into the distance in the dark - at night I am the twinkling of the stars.


What you carry in your heart you cannot lose.


Some souls come to this earth only for a short time, but they leave traces in our hearts that remain forever.


Sometimes an angel stays with us for just a short time, touches our hearts and then quietly disappears back into heaven.


A star shines brightest when it is dark.


Some angels only exist in heaven, they have never touched the ground. Yet they leave traces in our hearts that remain forever.


As your little heart stopped beating, a star began to shine brightly.


Very secretly, quietly and silently, an angel set out on a journey at night. He climbed the steps to heaven, leaving the path of life behind.


Little soul, I let you go, because I know we will see each other again.


If you are looking for me, look for me in your hearts. If I have found a home there, I will be with you forever. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)


Take our love to the stars.


When you look at the sky at night, it will seem to you as if all the stars were laughing, because I live on one of them, because I laugh on one of them. You alone will have stars that can laugh. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)


How beautiful heaven must be if it looks so beautiful from the outside! (Astrid Lindgren)


Sometimes the smallest things take up the most space in our hearts. (Winnie the Pooh)

Who do you send a condolence card to?

A sympathy card can be sent to various people affected by a loss. Here are some recipients to send a sympathy card to.

It is important to note that the decision of who to send a condolence card to depends on your personal relationship with the deceased and your individual circumstances. Each case is unique and it is up to you to decide who you want to express your condolences to.

Immediate family members

Condolence cards are often sent to close family members such as spouses, parents, children or siblings of the deceased.

Extended family members

You can also send condolence cards to grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins ​​and other relatives to support them in their grief.

Friends and acquaintances

Condolence cards are often sent to close friends and acquaintances of the deceased to offer them comfort and show them that you are thinking of them.

Colleagues and work contacts

If the deceased was a colleague or work contact, it may be appropriate to support the immediate circle of colleagues or the company with a condolence card.

Neighbours and community members

In close-knit communities or neighborhoods, it may be appropriate to send condolence cards to neighbors or community members to show solidarity and support.