Star Children + Grief

Whenever a loved one leaves us, it is difficult to find the right words to express their condolences. With our sensitively designed condolence cards and comfort boxes, it becomes a little easier to offer comfort to those left behind.

Loving watercolor motifs for star children and adults also create memories and keepsakes as posters for the parents and family of the deceased.

Our grave candles and grave lights serve as grave decorations to enhance the grave of a loved one who has passed away. The relatives find a beautiful, sensitive place in the cemetery to mourn.


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96 products

Aufkleber für Grabkerze zum MuttertagSticker zum Aufkleben auf Grablicht für Mamas zum Muttertag
Aufkleber für Grablichter zum Vatertag für Papas im HimmelSticker auf Grabkerze aufgeklebt mit Himmelsmotiv
Aufkleber für Sternenkinder  und Erwachsenen GrabkerzenSticker für Friedhofskerze mit großem und kleinem Bär, die in den Himmel schauen
Aufkleber für Grabkerze an Ostern mit OsterkerzeSpruch auf Sticker: Ein frohes Osterfest
Aufkleber zum Geburtstag für GrabkerzenSticker für Friedhofskerze zum Geburtstag
Aufkleber für Grabkerze zum GeburtstagSticker für Grablicht Geburtstag
Aufkleber für Grabkerze an Silvester und zum JahreswechselSticker zum Bekleben eines Grablichts
Aufkleber für Grabkerze mit Bären MotivSticker für Grablicht speziell für Sternenkinder
Aufkleber Sternenkinder GrabkerzeSticker für Grablicht mit handgemaltem Aquarell Motiv
Aufkleber für Grabkerze an Ostern mit BlumenmotivSpruch auf Sticker: Liebe Ostergrüße
Aufkleber mit Panda Bären Motiv zum Muttertag für GrablichtSticker für den Muttertag zum Bekleben einer Grabkerze
Grabkerzen Sticker zum MuttertagAufkleber für Friedhofskerze mit Spruch "Alles Liebe zum Muttertag. Du bleibst unvergessen."
Aufkleber für Grabkerze an SilvesterSticker für Gedenkkerze an Neujahr
Aufkleber für Grabkerze mit Osterhase "Ostergrüße in den Himmel"Sticker für Friedhofskerzen an Ostern und den Osterfeiertagen
Sticker für Friedhofskerze zum VatertagAufkleber für Erinnerungslicht zum Vatertag für alle verstorbenen Papas
Sticker für Gedenklicht zum VatertagAufkleber für Grablicht mit Spruch " Alles Liebe zum Vatertag. Du bleibst unvergessen."
Sticker für Grabkerze an Weihnachten und im AdventAufkleber für Sternenkind Grablicht in der Weihnachtszeit
5-teiliges Set
5-teiliges Aufkleber Set für Grabkerzen für den Advent und WeihnachtenAufkleber 1. Advent mit Adventskranz Kerzen
5-piece set
5-teiliges Aufkleber Set für Grabkerzen für den Advent und WeihnachtenAufkleber 1. Advent mit Schneemann Motiv
Personalisierte Trauerkarte für SternenkinderTrauergeschenk für Sternenkind Eltern
Personalisierte Trauerkarte für SternenkinderTrauergeschenk für Sternenkind Eltern
Personalisierte Trauerkarte für SternenkinderTrauergeschenk für Sternenkind Eltern
Grabkerze Sternenkinder mit Bärenfamilie vor dunklem Sternenhimmel mit Spruch "Du bleibst für immer im Herzen"Grablicht "Du bleibst für immer im Herzen" mit Aquarell Bären Motiv
Grabkerze für Ostern und die OsterfeiertageGrablicht mit Osterkerze und Spruch: Ein frohes Osterfest

The memory remains

Mourning stationery

The loss of a loved one is always incredibly sad, incomprehensible and highly emotional for those left behind. Even if there are no words to offer comfort, you can still express your sympathy and condolences with a heartfelt condolence card and make the farewell for the relatives a little easier. It is important to communicate and let the family know that you are there and supportive. Sympathy and condolence cards can be a valuable support here.

In addition, you will find very special mourning gifts in our range such as grave candles, memory posters for star children and comfort boxes.

Star children and babies

Star babies are born still or die during or shortly after birth. The parents never had the opportunity to get to know their baby. Nevertheless, a deep bond has already developed during the time in the mother's womb and the parents suddenly find themselves confronted with a completely overwhelming situation. For the parents affected, it is irrelevant whether the baby dies in the first weeks of pregnancy or after birth. The loss and grief are unbelievably terrible. And even close people and friends are often speechless and simply overwhelmed at first.

That's why Funkenbunt places particular emphasis on mourning stationery for star children, babies and children. We have designed sensitive motifs that convey a loving message in and of themselves. This way you can show your concern and sympathy without having to use many words that may never do the situation justice.

Unique motif selection

Most of the time, all words feel too clumsy and you get the impression that all expressions of condolence do not do justice to the situation. That's why our cards are not like many others. You can always write a standard condolence card. But it may be a bit formal and feel very stiff and impersonal.

Funkenbunt sympathy cards are designed with touching motifs. Because a picture can sometimes say more than a thousand impersonal words.
Child-friendly motifs for star children and sensitive mourning sayings form a stylish combination with which you can accompany the difficult time of saying goodbye and provide valuable support to the relatives.

Star children and babies

Star babies are born still or die during or shortly after birth. The parents never had the opportunity to get to know their baby. Nevertheless, a deep bond has already developed during the time in the mother's womb and the parents suddenly find themselves confronted with a completely overwhelming situation. For the parents affected, it is irrelevant whether the baby dies in the first weeks of pregnancy or after birth. The loss and grief are unbelievably terrible. And even close people and friends are often speechless and simply overwhelmed at first.

That's why Funkenbunt places particular emphasis on mourning stationery for star children, babies and children. We have designed sensitive motifs that convey a loving message in and of themselves. This way you can show your concern and sympathy without having to use many words that may never do the situation justice.

Unique motif selection

Most of the time, all words feel too clumsy and you get the impression that all expressions of condolence do not do justice to the situation. That's why our cards are not like many others. You can always write a standard condolence card. But it may be a bit formal and feel very stiff and impersonal.

Funkenbunt sympathy cards are designed with touching motifs. Because a picture can sometimes say more than a thousand impersonal words.
Child-friendly motifs for star children and sensitive mourning sayings form a stylish combination with which you can accompany the difficult time of saying goodbye and provide valuable support to the relatives.

Special mourning products

At Funkenbunt you will find uniquely designed condolence cards. Our range also includes memory cards, memory posters for star children, mourning boxes and grave candles.

Trauerkarte mit personalisiertem Namen und hellgrauem Kuvert in Kartenständer

Reminder cards

The memorial cards create a lasting memory. They are personalized with the name of the deceased baby or adult.

Optionally, you can also order it with a high-quality card stand made of solid oak. Then the card can be put up straight away.

Personalisierbare Trauerbox für Sternenkinder und Erwachsene

Mourning boxes

Mourning boxes offer an opportunity to give close relatives and friends or relatives who live further away a symbolic, loving hug. You can either hand them over in person or send them by post. They contain a condolence card that can be personalized, an envelope and sometimes a card stand for displaying a memorial card.

Erinnerungsposter in weißem Holzrahmen

Souvenir poster

Words cannot begin to express what we feel when a beloved star child dies. With a personalized picture you can create a lasting memory of a star baby or child and give the relatives hope in a difficult time.

Aquarell Motiv mit Maus in Weihnachtsmann Mütze und Schnee Himmel

Grave candles

Grave candles are more than just lights. They are a symbol of love, remembrance, comfort and a memory of a loved one or a star child.

You can have many of our grave lights personalized with a name and give them to relatives as a memorial gift.

As a grave decoration, a grave candle serves to decorate the grave of a deceased person and create a beautiful place to mourn. It is a way to preserve the memory of a loved one and to add a personal touch to the grave site.

Fast shipping

Especially with funeral stationery, it is very important that the delivery reaches you quickly due to the tight time frame. We therefore recommend that you order promptly. We then process all orders immediately. We will send your order by the next working day at the latest. This of course applies to all funeral stationery with individual personalization such as funeral cards, memorial cards, funeral boxes, memorial posters and grave candles.

Card formats and envelopes

All of our sympathy cards are folded cards. On the inside you will find enough space for sensitive personal words to the bereaved.

You can order an envelope to match each sympathy card. We deliberately decided to use light colors for the envelopes so as not to overpower the cards and their message with a dark color.

Fast shipping

Especially with funeral stationery, it is very important that the delivery reaches you quickly due to the tight time frame. We therefore recommend that you order promptly. We then process all orders immediately. We will send your order by the next working day at the latest. This of course applies to all funeral stationery with individual personalization such as funeral cards, memorial cards, funeral boxes, memorial posters and grave candles.

Card formats and envelopes

All of our sympathy cards are folded cards. On the inside you will find enough space for sensitive personal words to the bereaved.

You can order an envelope to match each sympathy card. We deliberately decided to use light colors for the envelopes so as not to overpower the cards and their message with a dark color.


All of our cards and memorial posters are printed on heavy cardboard and paper with FSC certification. The surfaces are finely structured and feel elegant and high-quality. We produce our funeral stationery locally. This means we can personalize cards, posters and funeral boxes extremely quickly and send them to you. Your order will leave our premises and be on its way to you no later than the next working day.

Detail des Sternehimmels und gedrucktem Namen in Herz aus Sternen


Most of the Funkenbunt mourning products can be personalized. We pay particular attention to this. Because you can express your condolences much better if, for example, a card touches the bereaved emotionally.

Personalization is generally possible for condolence cards, memory cards, memory posters for star children, mourning boxes and grave candles. Please contact us if you have a special request.

Whether it's a condolence message in English, exchanging the bands on the cards or another request, we'll try to implement as many of your wishes as quickly as possible.

The most common questions about dealing with grief

What helps relatives in the event of a bereavement?

Dealing with grief is never easy and causes fear and speechlessness in us humans. Many parents of children with disabilities say that the worst thing for them was when they were suddenly avoided or friends stopped contacting them.

It is important for the bereaved to experience sympathy and to overcome their speechlessness. There is no need to write philosophical texts or provide excessive care. It is enough to simply say "I don't know what I can say or do...". Be there, check in regularly, listen carefully and offer help or organize support if necessary. This helps in the long process of coping with grief.

How can I offer support to relatives?

There are various ways to offer support to loved ones in the event of a bereavement. It is important to remember that each grieving person has different needs. Pay attention to the individual preferences and wishes of loved ones and respect their privacy and boundaries.

Empathy and presence

Simply being there and showing loved ones that you care can make a huge difference. Show compassion and be willing to listen when they want to talk about their feelings and memories.

Practical help

In the event of a bereavement, everyday life can be particularly challenging for relatives. Offer your support, for example by helping to organize the funeral, running errands or helping with everyday tasks.

Patience and understanding

Grief is an individual process that takes time. Give relatives space to grieve and accept that they may have different needs. Be patient and respect their grieving process.

Resources and information

Provide family members with resources, such as information about local grief support groups, therapists, or other support services. Let them know that they are not alone and that professional help is available if they need it.

Long-term support

Grief is a long-term process that continues even after the immediate period of loss. Stay there for the family over a longer period of time and continue to show your compassion and support.