DIY Tutorial

Make a kindergarten farewell gift - DIY mini candy cone for the teacher

Bastelanleitung Tutorial DIY Schultüte Geschenk Kindergarten Abschied Erzieherin

Ahhh... How exciting! Your child was just a baby and now he or she will soon be starting school! Are you looking for a great farewell gift for the kindergarten teacher ?

We have filled our shop with fresh ideas for kindergarten. You will find DIY craft sets, gift boxes and of course cards. Everything in the shop category: Kindergarten

And because we have been asked many times for a video tutorial and detailed crafting instructions for our DIY mini school cones, you can now find it here.

To craft you need:

  • Scissors
  • Glue stick
  • Liquid glue
  • Cord, wool thread or gift ribbon
  • Colorful crepe paper
  • Craft template for the candy cone (from the shop)
  • Transparent cone bag (from the shop)
  • And of course a sweet filling for the school cone

Crafting instructions:

  • Cut out the bag and roll it into shape. This works best if you roll the bag slightly over the edge of a table first. This gives it a round shape.
  • Apply glue to the adhesive surface and stick the bag together and fix it briefly.
  • If you like, you can stick crepe paper to the top edge and put it in a transparent cone. You can also use colorful napkins, that works just as well.
  • Don't forget to fill it and close it with a cord or ribbon.

You can order the templates for the candy cones in different designs , with or without personalization and of course also as a digital file to print yourself in the category: Digital for kindergarten

And now: Have fun trying it out! Leave us a comment here, we look forward to your feedback.

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