DIY Adventskalender Häuser aus Kraftkarton basteln Video Tutorial

DIY Advent calendar houses made from kraft cardboard - instructions with video tutorial

Do you want to give a homemade Advent calendar as a gift this Christmas? Then be sure to check out our tutorial for the little DIY Advent calendar houses!

AdventskalenderBunte Adventskalender Häuser basteln DIY Projekt Weihnachten Bastelanleitung

DIY Advent calendar houses - instructions for a colorful Christmas calendar

This year you can give your loved ones a special treat with a homemade Advent calendar. And because it works best with a great template, we have written detailed instructions for making little C...

DIY TutorialDIY Mini Schultüte basteln mit Bastelbogen Vorlage Video Tutorial

DIY mini school cone craft - gift for school enrollment and party decoration

Time flies by. You've only just brought the little ones into the world and looked after them as babies, and now they'll soon be going to school as proud as Oskar, armed with a school bag and sch...

DIY TutorialBastelanleitung Tutorial DIY Schultüte Geschenk Kindergarten Abschied Erzieherin

Make a kindergarten farewell gift - DIY mini candy cone for the teacher

Ahhh... How exciting! Your child was just a baby and now he or she will soon be starting school! Are you looking for a great farewell gift for the kindergarten teacher? Here we have a tutorial f...