DIY Adventskalender Häuser aus Kraftkarton basteln Video Tutorial

DIY Advent calendar houses made from kraft cardboard - instructions with video tutorial

Do you want to give a homemade Advent calendar as a gift this Christmas? Then be sure to check out our tutorial for the little DIY Advent calendar houses!

AdventskalenderBunte Adventskalender Häuser basteln DIY Projekt Weihnachten Bastelanleitung

DIY Advent calendar houses - instructions for a colorful Christmas calendar

This year you can give your loved ones a special treat with a homemade Advent calendar. And because it works best with a great template, we have written detailed instructions for making little C...

FreebieGeschenkanhänger Weihnachten mit Schneemann, Rotkehlchen und Weihnachtsmann Maus

Freebie to download - Christmas gift tags

Would you like a Christmas freebie? Here you can download a template for Christmas tags to make yourself. The tags are perfect for wrapping your presents or for decorating during the Christmas s...

AdventskalenderAdventskalender Anhänger aus schwarzem Kraftkarton in Haus Form

Advent calendar for children - great ideas for the content

Every year, at the end of November at the latest (so just before the deadline), I ask myself the question: What should I put in the children's Advent calendars? Anyone who has children will cert...